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So You Want Your Book Reviewed...

Thanks for your interest in submitting your book to Literary Scene for review. We are always eager to hear from great authors and review amazing books!


To Submit a Book Please Note the Following Submission Guidelines:

Please send a query/pitch about the book via our contact page before you send the copy. Attachments of books or media kits from unknown sources will be deleted automatically.


For the best timing results with your book release campaign, please send advance review copies 3-6 months in advance of release date.


We only review books that are within 90 days of the book’s on-sale date or if a book is set to published  in the future. If you send us a book that is more than 90 days past its on-sale date, it is more than likely that we will not review it.


We accept Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs)/ Galleys and finished copies in print or PDF. 


We do not return books sent to us.


Only one copy of the book is needed upon request and should be sent to our office address which will be provided at the time of our response to your query.


We do not guarantee reviews of books once they are accepted. Accepting a book for review means that it is in our “to-be-read” pile for our reviewers to choose from.


We do not promise that our review will be favorable. As much as we try and highlight what it is we like about each book we read, we maintain our honesty and integrity in each review.  


IMPORTANT!   You should expect a one to three month turn-around from the time that we receive the copy of the book before your review is published. AGAIN, ALL BOOKS MUST BE REQUESTED AFTER YOUR INITIAL QUERY. DO NOT SEND A BOOK OTHERWISE.


If a blurb or quote is needed before that time for your review, a special request can be made to our Review Coordinator using the contact form and we will do all we can to accommodate you with one. Please request blurb or quote at least one month in advance of the date needed. 

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